SomeBodhi save me!

I’ve been handling this thing so well. I could pretty much focus to where I should focus. I was so excited for this week Sunday evening/night. What the actual fuck quack happened?

Up until this week I only had 2 days in wolverine/tasmanian devil mood. (I still could not figure out the order, which one is worse a wolverine or a tasmanian devil?) But that’s no big deal if you know me. Yeah, I’m still moody, even if I’m a lot better than I used to be. And I wouldn’t say I’ve really got even to a decent dragon mood, it was just, mehh… and mjaff… and bloeee… and WHY?

The original plan was to read. But I just finished the sportsbag I was working on and well… On the one hand I should be totally proud, because it’s probably the biggest sewing achievement of my life, but there are these small details. Especially that “D” which is at the wrong place. And as of right now I don’t have a clue what to do with that… And even though that’s pretty much the least important detail on that whole bag it annoys the crap out of me right now.

Talking about reading. In my last post I said I’m going to give a try to classic Fejős Éva and I kind of did. I started Úton hozzád and it’s kind of nice, not much romance up until where I got with it (weeks ago XD) but there is a bit of crime and investigation, a bit of mistery or whatever, I might finish it one day. Or not. We’ll see. I got 2 Sailor Moon mangas from Yumi for my B-day – we went for a walk this past weekend and I got the books then – Arigatou! 😀 Obviously those mangas are awesome! Sailor Moon forever!

I met Ria on Thursday. Stay the fuck home can stay the fuck home. She’s not in the best mood lately either and our almost 3-hour-long walk and talk was so nice. I think it helped both of us a lot. I also had a nice chat with Kicsi* on Wednesday, it wasn’t planned just the usual virtual-Wednesday with the guys turned out kind of weird this week and we ended up chatting about hunting and environmental issues and stuff before the others joined and in a world full of covid-19 and stupid memes it was so refreshing. Not as if I didn’t try to avoid the most obvious topics of our days, but for some reason people seem to be too paralized to talk about anything else.

*This is weird, I realized my original Kicsi was Ádi. Oh my… it was so long ago. He’s not that kicsi (meaning small – young in this case) anymore. XD

I’ve done a lot of tidying and decluttering lately. I let go of a number of creative projects I wanted to do for a long time, but somehow their time never came. 😦 Feels like I should do the same with a number of people in my life. I also decluttered my wardrobe. Seriously. I mean, I probably decluttered more clothes than I am keeping. I’d say I’m wearing the same 2 jeans and the same ~6 shirts anyway, but the plan is I’ll try to be more feminine. As of quarantine times, I haven’t succeeded in this just yet. I’m pretty much wearing those pieces that are my faves but are too worn and torn and I should just let them go so I’m enjoying the last days in them. XD Sexy, I say sexy! And of course my Sailor Moon shirt which I got from my bro for my B-day. This was a Sailor Moon kind of birthday. *grins*

I still don’t get how people get bored. I kind of enjoy that my routines disappeared, I’m trying to figure out how to change my routines to the better. I’m not the best at exercizing at home, but I’ll have to take it more seriously, I want to get back in shape. There are dresses I want to wear when we can finally socialze with others again. Yes, I said socializing and also I said dresses. Remember when I challenged myself to only wear dresses while I was in the USA for a business trip? Well, I do. I only took dresses and a comfortable set for travelling and I call it a success but it’s also kind of a pain in the back. Like, dresses that are nice hardly ever have pockets. And hardly ever let you move the way you want to move. And let’s just forget about that guy who lost total interest in pretty me as soon as I told him about my challenge and how I’m a jeans and shirt type of girl. That was mean. Like, really. As if I’m not good enough if I’m not pimped up. Pfff… 😦

I find it kind of ridiculous how a lot of people handle the actual situation with shopping. I tried to remember what I bought since the restrictions started that was for the sake of shopping and well… I did need new facial creams – apparently my skin got fed up with the creams I used, because it’s really getting better since I bought the new stuff (snail-gel yess! I wanted to try it for a while now.). And I know I didn’t need all those 3 scoops of icecream, because 2 scoops are way too much, but one does not simply listen to her common sense when getting her first icecream of the season. xD And of course I’ve got enough tea, but teas come and go and I even finished one of the teas my Dad brought from India. Such sad things do happen. And I really did not go to that bio-shop for tea, but then I saw “Ice princess” and I had to get it. And it’s really nice! I don’t have a clue what it has, because I did not see any eritrit or whichever that sweetener thingy is on the ingredient list, but it has that cold flavour. 😀 I want to go skating. I keep thinking about finding an adult group like Karcsi’s was back then. Maybe I should just call Karcsi and ask if he still has an ice-dancing group. Like, it’s okay that the last time I met him was at the cardiology institute, because he had a serious surgery, but he said he was back on ice. Which is great! Like, I think he’s over 80 already. I miss the ice. I was happy on ice. I don’t like going skating alone, but I think if I can’t find anyone to come with me, I’ll still just go. I might pull a Tara card… Muhahhaha!

Hm… I realized 2 things. One is, that we are at 2 months. And it seems like a pattern. Like, I loved working in Dubai, I had lots of fun in the UK and both were around 2-month-long projects and by the end of both I kind of broke down. There must be something with this 2 month period and me. … Whatever. I’ll get better soon. Because if it’s not happy it’s not the end yet. Whatever. It’s pretty ridiculous when I try to cheer myself up. Whatever. Think Pink was my old blog.

The other thing I realized, that I should be in Vienna now. Having a supercool girly weekend with Dela. By this time I would have a lot of new friends, funny, nice science people, I would have picked up a bit of German knowledge – like, you know how I can totally sing Supermoonies songs in German, but a few new words and expressions never hurt. I could tell you all the crazy stories about how Dela and the guys got me sneaked in to the closing party of the conference and knowing myself I’d have a few embarassing stories either to share or to just process for a while until I find them funny enough to share. But I’m home. And I’ve got a lot to do, and even in this quacked up mood I’m doing them. I just slowed down. But I’m working.

Okay, enough babbling. I need some tea. And I need to reorganize a few stuff before I continue decluttering my life. Oh yeah, and I should exercize as well. I need tea.

Keep those heads up! Wonderful new times is on the corner. It’s just lost, that idiot forgot how to navigate in real life. And I don’t feel like adding any pictures. But I found this old gem.

Listen to: Vanilla ninja – Cool vibes

xoxo D.

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